Posts tagged with Ola-Mae-Travel-Photography-Bike-Tour-Europe
Do I Really Wanna Leave?
2021-06-03 10:23:00 UTCHitting the road TOMORROW! Is going to the South of Italy in the midst of summer heat the best idea? Well, if this sounds a bit mad to you, welcome to my World. My logic is pretty solid tho- I won’t know (if it’s gon’ kill me :D ) until…
Getting Ready to Leave
2021-05-28 09:16:00 UTCAll Things Come To An End For the past 10 months, I have been restlessly photographing, journaling, and of course, pursuing personal projects, the biggest one being the Book. In the past 5 weeks, I have been putting all of my time and effort into polishing the sample chapters…
I Nearly Died
2021-05-18 13:58:00 UTCNEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE There is a reason why I travel alone. Generally, I find it extremely difficult to find someone who vibes the same way I do but when my sister offered me a little getaway, I didn’t hesitate because I craved to spend some quality time with her. And so…
Is This The End?
2021-04-28 07:51:00 UTCIn the past weeks, blogging became secondary to me. There was simply too much going on and I wanted to make sure I am in the moment, truly seeing, exploring, and feeling all of the spaces that I was in. So where have I been in the past few weeks?…
France Goes Into Lockdown
2021-04-08 18:37:00 UTCWE MEET AGAIN As much as I always try to avoid France, for some reason, each and every time I end up staying longer than planned. I took a lovely break in Perpignan, exploring the city with my fav Moroccan hosts, and later hiking through the mountains in search of…
Absolute Infatuation
2021-03-29 10:15:00 UTCNot wearing my photographer’s badge this week has been weird. Partially, I felt free- after all, I didn’t have the urge to flip out my phone every 5 minutes because that simply was not an option. Moreover, I found myself more connected to myself, Nature, and the experience of Now.…
Time To Say Goodbye…
2021-03-19 12:53:00 UTCIT’S BEEN AN INTENSE WEEK I have been putting in some serious mileage this week. In a way, I felt like I started to chase after covering as much distance as I could but really- did I have a chance to actually sit in and enjoy the moment?
I Crashed The Drone
2021-03-12 14:33:00 UTCA lot of time I get torn between my urge to document the trip and an attempt to get to my designated destination. I want to get some quality contemplation time, hang out with my hosts, and work on my book but the day has only 24h and something always…
This is Mad!
2021-03-06 09:33:00 UTCOTHERWORDLY LAND From breathtakingly beautiful rocky beaches to the uglies greenhouses that give you a feeling of being on another planet- Andalucia truly has it all. The scenery this week was something that I was hoping for a long time- a stunning coastline that is so beautiful you forget how…
I Don’t Know What To Do…
2021-02-27 12:47:00 UTCCOMPLETELY NAKED! We all tend to accumulate stuff, but when on the road it is more important than ever to keep your luggage as light as possible. This week I was faced with a decision to get rid of something that I was carrying and the choice fell between the…
6 months on the Road!
2021-02-19 19:34:00 UTCHELLO SPAIN! After all the rain, wind, and cold that I endured during my last days in Portugal, Spain greeted me with nothing but beautiful sunshine. For the first time this year, the sun signed its name across my bare legs, as I suddenly remembered how much water one needs,…
Portugal - Last Chapter
2021-02-13 22:06:00 UTCSHITTY BEGINNINGS After taking almost 2 months off I was concerned with how my body would react to being back on the road. The constant rain surely cooled down my enthusiasm and made me question the idea of the trip. It was my BIG come back and I just wasn’t…
European Bike Tour
2021-01-23 16:05:00 UTCTouring Europe on a Bike - Portugal Chapter My name is Ola Mae, and for the past 5 months, I have been touring Europe on a bike. But let me backtrack a little. What happened? On August 19th, 2020, I filled my panniers to the brim and cycled north-west. I…
European Bike Tour
2021-01-23 16:05:00 UTCTouring Europe on a Bike - Portugal Chapter My name is Ola Mae, and for the past 5 months, I have been touring Europe on a bike. But let me backtrack a little. What happened? On August 19th, 2020, I filled my panniers to the brim and cycled north-west. I…